Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Update: Loving the Hubby , right now.

Yup so we just discussed the idea of the city hall/ restaurant and he loves it! I think I may have found the perfect restaurant too! It just made sense since our guest list just kept on getting shorter. At first it was 80 people, then 50, then 20 and finally like ten to fifteen. I have talked to tons of folks and everyone was super nice with giving me options but the end results is I rather do one thing very well and lavish then try to stretch the budget to accommodate EVERYTHING! So here are the things that didn't make the cut:

  • DJ- The hubby isn't a dancer and I think my folks would rather eat and be merry then dance all nite long.
  • The Grand Banquet hall- I love the hall I first chose it was affordable and just perfect in every way but not practical my ever shrinking guest list will get swallowed in a big hall or even a small hall. A restaurant table will do just fine. Pass the champagne.
  • The date. I wanted June but Hubby wants August. Personally, I don't care as long as its in the summer.
Some things that will stay:
  • My cute idea for guest glam boxes...I will be posting about my boxes.
  • The restaurant, we like the menu but we have to go over there to see the service.
  • The photographer...i must have pics.
  • My dress, every time I try it on I fall in love all over again with it.
Maybe List:
  • limo? no limo? that's a question...its kind of a luxury sort of thing. should we or just rent a car? or use our car or another family member's?
  • Reception dress. My dress is a bit too heavy and I want to wear it for the ceremony and the dinner but after that then what? My reception dress will have to be like dirt cheap.
My biggest gripe is that my Fi isnt always on the same page with me on the planning. Now between the two of us , he is the better half. I love that he is super practical and blunt. He is the type of guy that will tell you if your breath stinks. I'm more creative and dreamy about stuff. I'll admit it. But I come up with super cool ideas, like this blog. (I'm not always so modest)

However, I guess maybe its cus I got super wedding happy at first that now he is like no more flowers, or cakes and no more dresses. I guess I will have to trust me own taste. He is always there for the important stuff.

Here's an interesting url about a bride and her groom who are not always on the same page but want the same thing:



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