Sunday, October 12, 2008

How do you know if your partner is the 1?

I was chilling with my hubby and I turned on my local radio station. It was just awful. Cheating, lying, lusting,etc and some more junk. Now don't get me wrong folks: I'm not perfect. I have the mouth of a hardcore jail bird and I'm a ticking time bomb outside of my job. But it seems like alot of these gals need some kind of advice. sisterly advice like the kind that one of my close friends gave me when I told her I wanted to settle down with my three year boyfriend.
Maggie told me "Get married if you want to get married, forget what people think, listen to what they say and then make the best judgement that works for you cus in the end you are the only one who really cares about you." At that point I really had to take a good look in the mirror and ask myself what do I want? In life, in my relationships, at work, at home, where ever. Since this is a wedding blog, I'm writing about love. I think before you can let anyone else into your space, you have to make sure you are your best mentally and emotionally.
What does that mean? It means taking care of you. Just got out of a relationship? Then stay your butt home for a while until you can at least be cool with the idea of your ex seeing other people. Burn your exes pics, eat your ice cream, wear sweatpants. Don't go on the rebound spree cus your single. Your heart will thank you. You will be refreshed when you finally get out into the dating scene with a lot less baggage.
My friends always ask me "how do you know when you have met the 1?" or they say "I have met the 1 but I'm not sure." My advice and I'm no head doctor but my advice is to take it slow. There will be days when you don't like your partner. Other days you will think of your partner as a Godsend. This is normal. In this day and age we have microwaves, instant coffee markers, rockets, HDtv and we think that we can just say hi to some one and they will fall instantly in love with us. Sorry folks I had to learn the hard way in college that a smile and hi do not equal undying love.
When you take it slow you get to see the true colors of a person. You find out who really likes you and who has blue balls (or blue skirts). A foxy person can only pretend to be devoted for so long unless you are dating a FBI agent, which is highly unlikely. Plus it gives you a chance to see if you really like them. people are so fickle (including myself) so time is good. Yes high school teenagers are not the only ones who have changes of heart. You can do the right things and still end up in divorce court.
I think that general idea is to find someone who shares some of the same interest as you ( however it is ok if you don't, opposites sometimes attract), is responsible, understanding, passionate, clean, intelligent, trustworthy (super important), Ambitious, integrity and outgoing nature. I do think that people can get that feeling when they find someone they click with in that way. I felt that when I met my partner. The time was just to be sure.
Some people say that there isn't a one per say. Some people have many ones or whatever. While its not my way of thinking nor will it ever be I can understand their argument. I don't agree with it but I can understand it. I feel like folks need to do whats right for themselves. This is just my advice. Time to me is the best way of knowing. How much time? It depends on you but one thing is for certain Rome wasn't built in a day.


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