Sunday, February 15, 2009

Things I'm doing to save money!!

As my wedding date gets closer I have been on a wedding savings hunt. Trying to find the most cost efficient ways to save a buck. here are some of my ideas (the ones my FI has signed off on ):
  1. Keeping it short n simple: Having a short ceremony at city hall: its only $25 plus the license and my location has a chapel and having a big reception party.
  2. Sistahs are doing it for themselves: DIYing everything: centerpieces,invitations, even food ( making tons of salad for the buffets and buying main entrees ala carte!)
  3. NOT showing them the money: Not paying a deposit till I have everything in writing!
  4. Splitting hairs: Taking time out to write vendors emails and get prices B4 trying to book.
  5. Lean on me: As a student, who has two jobs, and bills I am always looking for help, so I try not to be a control freak bridezilla. Sometimes I fail.
  6. Putting coins in the piggy:Making "deposits' into the wedding account. In my case a good solid ING Direct account. I am always making transfers to and fro.

Overall I think its good to try to take money saving advice from every reputable source out there. However it is also good to know what's worth the money versus whats not worth it. A great photographer=worth the money but a great manicure=not worth it just DIY it yourself.


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