Saturday, May 23, 2009

Getting knowledge from the Future In laws Today.

So today was kind of sad for me. All of my buddies seem to be growing into big people. Getting jobs, moving away, starting and ending serious relationships, graduating and or having kids. They may be able to say the same about me cus I'm growing too, I'm getting married. I guess we all have to grow some time and today is a good day to accept that things change. People change and for the most part all of my friends are changing for the better.

What does this have to do with my future In Laws? Nothing. Well maybe part of the change of growing up means getting wiser. I tend to think of myself as a savvy shopper. I buy what I can afford and look damn good in it (most of the time...i have funky days too) however I am beginning to realize how wedding obsessed I have been the past couple of months.

I have sort of became a very weird form of Bridezilla. Not the "Where is my planner, I must have diamonds everywhere!!! I said NOW!" BUT instead the " We have to call and book the reception site or else we may not be able to get married...yes i know its a year away" Bridezilla.

I tell you having a great mother in law is a blessing cus she can talk some sense into you when you just can't see the light on the other side of the tunnel. My future mother in law came up with a simple plan:

  1. Get married at the city hall wear whatever you like and bring whoever you like.
  2. Go to a restaurant with all of your family
  3. Be merry and married.
  4. Leave the whole she bang for your anniversary.
GENIUS! EUREKA! Seriously a great idea. Now it needs some posh elements like wearing a fab dress in city hall but its a brilliant idea. The most touching thing she told me today was "Marriage/ weddings are matters for the heart NOT the wallet." It put my inner Bridezilla to shame but she needs to grow up.


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