Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I'm a mean, brown, trimming Fat machine!

HERE'S AN UPDATE: I'm losing the weight, baby! No more FIVE GUYS going two weeks since the vow! I am also eating less sweets and trying to bring back the VEG in vegetarian! Its hard cus I'm a bread gal. I may not touch your meat BUT I will DESTROY your bread. So far I have lost 8 pounds...I know cus I have been measuring. I'm trying to eat less of what I want cus I read that most people have issues with portion control. Lets see if it can be done... I am also looking for a signature snack. I want something really nature, no MSG, High Fructose anything, red #5 or 6. Just pure, nature and easy to digest. Here are the contenders: Peanuts which are high in protein PLUS easy to carry. Dark Chocolate...the ultimate satisfying snack... the darker the better health experts say. Carrots...on again off again snack...I'm blind as a bat cus I don't eat enough of this vegetable. So far these are the contenders....who will win?


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